Member-only story
Career by algorithm
Facebook thinks I’m a teacher.
I’m not.
Or, at least I didn’t think I was.
But, about a month ago, I started seeing loads of sponsored ads, promoted sites, and uplifting quotes — designed for teachers.
And, I liked, loved, and shared.
They resonated with me.
Which got me thinking.
We know for a fact that humans are not good at knowing ourselves.
“The Three Great Mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, man to himself.” — Hindu proverb.
One of the most famous quotes attributed to Henry Ford says it this way:
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
So, while there are countless assessments and workshops to help human beings choose a career or a vocation, perhaps a more reliable source is a strong algorithm that observes what interests you over a period of time, finds the pattern, and then provides helpful guidance on how to get there.
Because sometimes the algorithm knows us better than we know ourselves. Based on cultural constructs, available resources, and immediate role models, the best-fit vocation might be something we overlook or miss.
Because, frankly, I never ever considered being a teacher in the traditional sense.
However, the type of work I gravitate to is absolutely instructional in nature.